Messy Church

Messy Church is aimed at 4-11 years and their parents/carers. It is a great way to meet together, eat, play games, craft, grow friendships  and learn more about Jesus.

We are currently reviewing our timetable and we hope to restart in the Autumn.

For more information please contact us.

Who let the Dads out?

Who Let the Dad’s Out? – is a monthly group for dads and their children (babies to 8 years old) to join together in  All Saints Church Centre to spend time with each other. We also welcome grandfathers, godfathers, and father figures if they wish to come with children.  

You will be very welcome to join us every second Saturday at 8.15am.

For more information please contact us through the church office

Breakfast Church

This is an All Age service in the Church Centre for all who would like to come including Breakfast, Worship, Craft and fun. More info here

Meeting at 8am

Could we ask you to do three things: 
Please pray for this new initiative. 
Offer your help if you would like to (please let Peter Walley know)
Please invite members of your family who you think would enjoy a short time of All Age worship and breakfast before having the rest of Sunday free for other activities

Ministry to Schools

Along with our colleagues from the Methodist and Catholic churches in Mickleover, we are currently engaging with local schools supporting them with assemblies, ‘Open the Book’ and other activities.

We are always delighted to welcome schools into our churches to hold services or to visit and explore for project work. We will happily visit you for assemblies or lessons as requested. Please contact us.

Creche & Children’s Corner


We have a Creche running during most services, and is for preschool children.

This is unsupervised, but you are welcome to use the creche.

A loudspeaker in the room means you can still hear the service. 

Children’s Corner & Busy Bags

This is an unsupervised area at the front corner of All Saints Church or in the link building at St John’s, with a table, chairs and small range of books, paper and crayons etc. Children of any age can enjoy colouring or reading before or during all services.

Brownies & Rainbows

Rainbows is for girls aged 5-7. We meet every week in term time. Rainbows is all about developing self-confidence, building friendships, learning new things, and having fun! We get to do arts and crafts, go outside and get in touch with nature, we bake, work towards fun badges and play games. Rainbows is all about learning by doing!

If your child is interested in joining us click on this link and choose 1st Mickleover Rainbows and we will get back to you.

Come and join the fun!

Brownies are part of the Girlguiding UK family along with Rainbows, Guides and Rangers. We cater for girls aged 7-10 and through our fun weekly term time sessions we work through the Brownie program. 

As well as doing  badges as a unit we also have lots of time for games and crafts and get outside as often as we can. 

If you are interested in joining our unit, please register using the link below and choose 5th Mickleover (All Saints) Brownies or for more information please contact us on: or

Beavers & Cub Scouts

For more information, please go to

Scouts, Rangers & Guides

Contact us

For more information on any of the children’s activities, or if you have any other questions, please contact us.