All Saints Mickleover

All Saints News

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20th October 2024

  • Holy Communion at All Saints, 10am. Peter Walley will be speaking.
  • Morning Praise at St Johns, 10am. Karen Cowgill will be speaking.

If you would like to watch a livestream of the service on Sunday, or watch previous Sunday services, click here

Almighty God,
in whose service lies perfect freedom:
teach us to obey you
with loving hearts and steadfast wills;
through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Midweek Services:
– Tuesday: prayers at All Saints, 8am
– Wednesdays: Holy Communion, 9.30am

All Saints Café – Join us for friendly chat and refreshments every Wednesday in the Centre 10am-12noon. Everyone welcome!

St John’s Rest Stop Café – Friday mornings 10am- 12pm in the Link. Do join us for Tea/Coffee, friendly conversation, and delicious home-made cakes.

St Johns Brunch – Fridays 12.15-2.30pm (after the Café). We join with others for a cup of soup & sandwich followed by discussion on life and faith and a bit of Bible study.

St Johns Internet Café – Monday’s 10am-12noon in the Link. Free help with laptops, tablets, smartphones and other technology. Free Wi-Fi. Our helpers don’t guarantee to have all the answers but may know where to start looking! Refreshments served around 11am

Messy Church – Wednesday 30th October at 3.30pm in the All Saints Church Centre.

Alpha – is starting again on 30th October on Wednesday evenings at 7.30pm. Alpha is a very accessible introductory course on the Christian Faith, where you can ask all those questions you have always wanted to ask! If you are interested, please contact Peter Walley, Clare Owen, Andrew Brown or the Office.

Home Group – If anyone is interested in joining a Home Group, there is now room for one or two in the Thursday afternoon Group which meets at Paul and Elaine’s home in Cromford Drive. Anyone interested please contact either Paul, Elaine or Clare to discuss.

All Saints Giving in GraceThank you for all the responses with offers of support and financial giving. We will be in touch with you after the next PCC meeting which will be held on November 11th. Thank you again. Brian

New Churches Magazine – It will start in February 2025, be in colour, 10 issues per year with a joint Dec/Jan and July/Aug edition (as per Contact’s current routine). It will be offered both electronically with the newsletters and paper copies for those who prefer it. It will be free. Before the end of the year, we’d like to confirm the following: 1. A new name for the magazine 2. Editors from each of the three churches to take it in turns to oversee the content – Richard Finch will be St John’s contact. 3. Proofreaders – again, volunteers from each church to take turns to ensure there are as few possible typos/conflicting dates etc. 4. We also need to know who from the St Johns current distribution list wishes to continue to receive a paper copy.

Insurance – St Johns use Ecclesiastical for our Church’s insurance cover. They currently have an offer if you take out home insurance with them, they will donate £130 to our church. If your insurance cover us coming up for renewal, please give them a try for a quote: visit Any questions, please talk to Barrie.

Commemoration for the Bereaved – at All Saints on Sunday 17th November at 3pm. There is a list at the back of church for any names you wish to be remembered during the service.

Save the Date – We are getting close to the time for the Mickleover Christmas fair (Sunday 24th November) and the Churches Together hope to run another Tombola to support Padley. Please start to put suitable items aside and save the date in your diary as we will be asking for helpers. Details to follow. Mike Shooter

Previous weekly notices

Download PREVIOUS newsletter 13th October
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Download PREVIOUS newsletter 6th October
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Download PREVIOUS newsletter 29th September
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Church Members News

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