All Saints Mickleover

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28th July 2024

  • Morning Worship at All Saints, 10am. Peter Walley will be speaking.
    Live Link:
  • Holy Communion at St Johns, 10am. Paul Pritchard will be speaking.
  • BCP Evening Prayer at St Andrews, Radbourne, 4pm. Led by Clare Owen.

Lord of heaven and earth,
as Jesus taught his disciples to be persistent
in prayer, give us patience and courage
never to lose hope,
but always to bring our prayers before you
through Jesus Christ out Lord.

Midweek Services:
– Tuesday: prayers at All Saints, 8am
– Wednesdays: Holy Communion, 9.30am

ALL SAINTS CAFÉ – Join us for friendly chat and refreshments every Wednesday in the Centre 10am-12noon. Everyone welcome!

ST JOHN’S REST STOP CAFÉ – Friday mornings 10am- 1pm in the Link. Do join us for Tea/Coffee, friendly conversation, and delicious home-made cakes.

Rest Stop Café – Thank you to everyone who came, helped and supported the Rest Stop Café on 5th July when fundraising for Alzheimer’s, £160.60 was raised.

Churches Together in Mickleover (CTM) Prayer Walk – Thursday 1st August at 10.15am. We will meet at the Great Northern car park, then walk for about an hour praying for God’s Blessing on our community, the local businesses, schools etc. Listening for anything the Holy Spirit might want to reveal to us. If you plan to come, please contact me at, or phone 239645 (answerphone screened), so that I know to expect you. Thank you. Ray Lee

All Saints Churchyard Tidy Day – ‘Ian’s Gardening Gang’ will be convening again on 3rd August to see if we can win the battle against the weeds and grass etc. We shall meet at 9.20am to divide the churchyard into manageable lots/teams and start work at 9.30am. Lunch will be provided (if you have any dietary requirements, please let Janice know by end of July). Drinks will also be provided throughout the day. We aim to finish the day 3.30-4.00pm, we may ‘finish off’ areas on Sunday afternoon if necessary or the following Tuesday morning. You don’t have to do the whole day! jobs will be allocated to fit individual ability; we shall be very grateful for whatever time/expertise/ enthusiasm you can offer. So, find your favourite ‘implements’ and bring them along with you and come and join us.  (Make sure you put some sort of mark on them, so you know they are yours!) Please sign the list at the back of church or let Rebekah or the churchwardens know if you are able to help. Look forward to seeing you there!! Ian and Janice,

St Andrew’s Church Coffee Open Morning – School Lane, Radbourne (parking at top of the lane). Saturday 31st August 11am-3pm. All welcome.

Open The Book – The team and I who perform biblical assemblies at Brookfield and Mickleover Primary schools would like to thank your congregation for sponsoring Churches Together in donating keepsake books to all the year 6 leavers at Brookfield, Mickleover Primary, Silverhill and Ravensdale schools to remind them of God’s love and care for them which will continue throughout their lives. Each generation has appreciated these assemblies and the ‘It’s Your Move’ books which help with the transition to secondary school. Once again, many thanks to you all. Lana Jamieson

Pause and Ponder in All Saints Graveyard For the September Pause and Ponder, the picture theme will be ‘Holiday Joy’ as seen by 16yrs and under. So, if you have children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces or neighbours children who like taking photos of places visited, items/building seen, interesting views, and they would like to take part, send a copy of the photo/s by email to the Church Office and they will be forwarded to me (if you have my email address send them direct to me) Make sure you include Name of Photographer, name of place, view or building. We need both ‘portrait and ‘landscape’ style please. No selfies!!! Photos need to be with me by September 6th, please. Happy snapping! Janice

Confirmation With Bishop Malcolm – at All Saints Church on 22nd September at 6.30pm.

Thank you – to everyone at All Saints for all the presents and cards, it was lovely. Jen Ratcliff

Previous weekly notices

Download PREVIOUS newsletter 21st July
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Download PREVIOUS newsletter 7th & 14th July
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Download PREVIOUS newsletter 30th June
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