Enquirers and Seekers
You are welcome to join us no matter where you are on your journey. This section provides an overview of the things we offer as a church to help you find out more about the Christian faith. Please use the ‘Contact us‘ form if you would like more information.
Life Events and Prayer
The Alpha Course
Wider Doors – 7-week Bible study (Hope)
Prayer Course
Prayer Course 2 – Unanswered Prayer
Contact us
Life events and prayer
We all experience different needs in our daily lives. This could be joy or happiness, grief or sadness, anxiety or gratitude, hope or comfort……. and much more.
The following links may be useful to help you find biblical answers and references to the variety of events and feelings that we face in life:
Bible verses and references to help with the things we face in life provided by the Bible Society.
Prayers to help you. You are invited to use these texts in your own prayers. You don’t have to know any particular prayers. The ones listed here may help you to think about ideas, images, and forms of words you can use. These are provided by the Church of England.
The Alpha Course
Alpha is a course which seeks to introduce the basics of the Christian faith through a series of videos and informal discussions. It is perhaps best described as “an opportunity to explore the meaning of life”. We run the Alpha course in two formats; one for adults and the other for young people. We aim to keep the Alpha course informal, and we start each session with a meal.
- Alpha usually runs at 7.00pm on Tuesday evenings but we are flexible and if it is better to run the course during the day that is fine…… please let us know what you would prefer
- We are just planning the next set of dates, so please come back to this site for more information about where and when we will run the course
- New The next Alpha course is due to start in October 2024! Meeting at 7pm each week at All Saints Vicarage. If you would like to take part please download the flyer below and return the slip at the bottom of the form or email as below or use the contact form. Detailed programme as below.
Please email Alpha-MA@mickleoveranglicans.org.uk or use the contact form below for more information about any of the Alpha sessions.
Please take a look at the short videos below………
If you have any questions or would like to enrol for the next course, please fill in the information below……….
To help us keep in touch, please download the Alpha GDPR form. Once completed, please return it to Alpha-MA@mickleoveranglicans.org.uk
Wider Doors – a 7-week Bible study exploring the theme of ‘Hope’
Wider Doors – a 7-week Bible study follows on from the Alpha Course and explores the message of ‘Hope’ through a 7-week Bible study series.
This Bible Study series will be delivered online via Zoom. Everybody welcome! The next course will be run TBC
Bible Study Series exploring ‘Hope’
looks at the following passages from the Bible:
1. The woman who wept at Jesus’ feet (Luke 7:36-50)
2. Who does God accept? (Luke 18:9-17)
3. A hole in the roof (Luke 5:17-26)
4. Two lost sons (Luke 15:11-32)
5. A hard road (Matthew 16:21-26)
6. Jesus’ death and resurrection (Mark 15-16:8)
7. An unexpected guest (John 20:19-31)
Each session includes a video, discussion and prayer time.
For more information, please contact: widerdoors-biblestudy@mickleoveranglicans.org.uk
The Prayer Course
The Prayer Course explores the power of prayer over an 8-week period, and follows on from the Alpha Course and the 7-week bible study exploring ‘Hope’.
The Prayer Course will be delivered online via Zoom
Everybody welcome!
The next course will run TBC
The Prayer Course uses the core material created by the 24-7 Prayer organisation.
The course covers the following topics:
1. Why Pray?
2. Adoration
3. Petition
4. Intercession
5. Unanswered Prayer
6. Contemplation
7. Listening
8. Spiritual Warfare
Each session includes a video, discussion questions, practical prayer activities
For more information, please contact prayer-course@mickleoveranglicans.org.uk
The Prayer Course 2 – Unanswered Prayer
This course explores the area of unanswered prayer and follows on from the first prayer course
The Prayer Course 2 – Unanswered Prayer is a 5-week course and uses core material created by the 24-7 Prayer organisation. The course covers the following topics:
1. God on mute: engaging the silence
2. Maundy Thursday: How?
3. Good Friday: Why?
4. Holy Saturday: Where?
5. Easter Sunday: When?
For more information, please contact prayer-course@mickleoveranglicans.org.uk
Contact us
For more information on any of the courses or events, or if you have any other questions, please contact us.