Internal Renovation Project
It gives me great pleasure to declare that the Internal Renovation Project is now complete!
Our thanks to Richard Archer, his father, Peter and their workmen for the wonderful work they have completed, turning the old Choir Vestry into a disabled access toilet and also a tea-bar in the back corner of the North Aisle.
The taking up of the old carpet and the laying of the new posed a number of challenges for the Spondon Carpet fitter. The condition of the tiled floor underneath the aisles and in the chancel area was poor. There is a mish-mash of tile/concrete and wood and metal across the church. However when the carpet was taken up around the Altar, we re-discovered wonderful wooden block work and parquetry some of which dates back to 1858 and some to the 1930s (the Altar and wooden panelling). These have been cleaned and restored. They are in remarkable condition and it is good to see them gleaming again.
We began this journey with the installation of new lighting and audio visual system (installed in 2015), and with the help of Raymond Ross grants (£25k) and other grant monies and savings, we were able to install the new disabled access toilet, tea-bar, carpet and chairs. The finished work gives a wonderful feeling of space, and renewal. The building in short feels loved again. My especial thanks to members of the Building Committee, the PCC and the congregation for your support before and during these works. Peter